May Birth Flower - Lily of the Valley & Hawthorn

Lily of the Valley and Hawthorn are the two May birth flowers. Apart from being totally elegant, they carry deep symbolism. Plus, these blooms perfectly capture the essence of May

May Birth Flowers – Their History, Significance & Symbolism

What is May Birth Flower? Well, just like the rest of the month, May also has two birth flowers. Each of these has a different meaning, color, history, and fragrance. And you are free to choose the one you feel more connected to. If you are a May baby, you may want to explore more about the birth flowers of this month. If so, you have come to the right place. Here is your all-you-need-to-know guide on May flowers.

What is May’s Birth Flowers?

Lily of the Valley and Hawthorn are the two May birth flowers. Apart from being totally elegant, they carry deep symbolism. Plus, these blooms perfectly capture the essence of May. Undoubtedly, knowing about these will make you see the month of May and people born in this month from a whole new perspective. Why so? Well, all because of their rich history and symbolism. So, let’s get started.

Lily of the Valley – Primary Birth Flower for May

These blooms are the classic choice for this month. You can say that Lily of the Valley looks like little white (slightly pinkish sometimes) bells or ballerina skirts. They are simply beautiful! And what makes them even more attractive is their sweet scent. Undoubtedly, these unique blooms elegantly represent the spirit of May.

Did You Know?

Lily of the Valley is also known as May Bells. It doesn’t just represent the shape but also the fact that they signify the arrival of May.

Other names for these flowers are Our Lady’s Tears and Mary’s Tears. Moreover, these flowers hold great value because of their symbolic, ornamental, and medicinal properties. They are a popular choice for bridal decor and bouquets. Besides, these pendulous blooms usually exist in dense colonies.

Diverse History of Lily of the Valley

One of the reasons why these May birth month flowers hold so much significance is their rich history. According to Christianity, Mary’s tears turned into Lily of the Valley. Another legend tells that Saint Leonard fought with a dragon in the woods. And wherever his blood had shed, these flowers bloomed. Furthermore, there is another story (according to Greek Mythology) claiming that these blooms were grown by the god of the sun – Apollo – for his nymphs. Therefore, they were known as Apollinaris.

Moreover, the Greek goddess, Aphrodite is usually depicted adorned with daisies. Also, these flowers were associated with the Norse goddess of love, and fertility. Other than this, ancient people also related these flowers with Virgin Mary. Furthermore, the Renaissance period had these blooms used in art and literature.

The Greek mythology depicts the story of Narcissus who got obsessed with his reflection and in the end turned into a daffodil.

What is the Meaning of Lily of the Valley?

These May Birth flowers are associated with different meanings in different cultures. The main reason why they were chosen for this month is they signify the Return of Happiness. After all, they mark the end of winter and the beginning of warmer days. Its delicate appearance expresses humility, purity, and modesty. These blooms are also considered a symbol of beauty and hope. Plus, they are also said to bring good luck to the place they are in.

  • Hope
  • Rebirth
  • Good luck
  • Prosperity
  • Optimism
  • Cheerfulness

As daffodils can grow in tough conditions, they also exude resilience and courage. This March birth month flower is most commonly used in floral decorations and bouquets expressing that spring is here! Another amazing thing about it: daffodils also have connections with self-love and vanity.

Meanings of Lily of the Valley
Good Look

As aforementioned, this May birth flower is no ordinary. In fact, it holds so much importance in different regions, cultures, and fields. Did you know that Lily of the Valley is the National Flower of Finland? Amazing, right? What’s even more amazing is that it is a royalty favorite bridal flower.

A Fun Fact About Lily of the Valley!

The Bridal Bouquet of Princess of Wales, Kate Middleton featured Lily of the Valley. This was also the favorite flower of Queen Elizabeth II.

Apart from decorations, these flowers have also made appearances in art, music, and literature. What’s more, when used in decor, they add a Pinteresty vibe to the event.

Hawthorn – Secondary Birth Flower for May

Now, let’s talk about the second most significant birth flower for this Month: Hawthorn. These vibrant pink or white blooms are also called Mayflower. Just like the lily of the valley, this one also holds unique meanings. These flowers are actually a deciduous shrub with sharp thorns and leaves.

Did You Know?

There are around 300 species of Hawthorn originating in Asia, Europe, North Africa, and North America.

Also, the flowers of this plant are followed by a red fruit. And these flowers exist in clusters on the branches of the plant. Never alone! Here is all you should know about their origin and symbolism.

The Enchanting History of Hawthorns

According to the Celtic mythology, Hawthorns are associated with the fairy realm. People also believed that their branches were used by witches to make wands. Moreover, the Celtics considered these blooms a sign of protection and love. What’s more, they were associated with the Greek god of Marriage – Hymen. They are also connected to the May Day celebrations. 

Apart from folklore, this May birth month flower has been used in medicine for centuries. Yes, that’s right! Its flowers, leaves, and berries are said to have several health benefits. Overall, this plant was used to treat several heart issues and digestive problems.

What is the Meaning of Hawthorn?

Hawthorn is the secondary birth month flower for a reason. After all, it brings unique symbolism to the month. They carry several meanings. As aforementioned, they are a sign of protection in folklore. People used to think it safeguards them from evil spirits. Well, they still believe it! Moreover, it exudes protection also because the thorns of this plant guard small animals. They also symbolize faith, hope, happiness, and beauty.

Meanings of Hawthorn

Because of its association with Hymen, they have always been considered a symbol of love, new beginnings, and fertility. In fact, people used to hang these blooms on their doorways to increase fertility and ward off bad spirits.

A Fun Fact About Hawthorn!

Some people believed that the magical plant of hawthorn was used to guard fairies. Also, there has always been a popular belief that these flowers provide a gateway to the fairyland.

What Do May Birth Flowers Tell About Your Personality?

Just like zodiac signs, birth flowers also tell a lot about your personality. For May babies, Lily of the Valley and Hawthorn do this job. The white delicate blooms convey the simplicity of people born in May. Moreover, these people are bright, driven, and focused. Besides, if hawthorn is your birth month flower, you probably have a generous spirit, and you are optimistic and a loving person.

Personality Traits & May Birth Flowers

Lily of the Valley Hawthorn
Focused Loving
Pure Generous
Bright Optimistic

May Birth Flowers Make Your Celebrations Magical!

From birthdays to weddings, May birth flowers will amp up every occasion. After all, they bring a magical touch to the room they are placed. From bouquets to decor arrangements, they can be used in so many ways. Make your festivities more meaningful and memorable with these birth month flowers – Hawthorn and Lily of the Valley.