October Birth Flower - Marigold & Cosmos

October has two Birth Month Flowers: Narigold and Cosmos. Both these flowers are simply perfect in their representation of fall. Their vivid colors and fragrances perfectly signal the arrival of a new season – fall.

October Birth Flowers – Find What They Say About You!

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October birth flowers signal the arrival of autumn. This is why they exude peace, warmth, and beauty – perfectly so! Similar to other months, this month has also got two birth flowers. Each of them captures the essence of October in its own unique way. And these flowers have a lot to tell about your personality. After all, they embody a diverse history and unique symbolism. Here, you are going to find out what these birth blooms mean and how they define October babies.

What Are October Birth Flowers?

October has two Birth Month Flowers: Marigold and Cosmos. Both these flowers are simply perfect in their representation of fall. Their vivid colors and fragrances perfectly signal the arrival of a new season – fall. Moreover, both of these flowers give unique meaning to the month of October. Also, if you are looking for thoughtful gifts for your October celebrations, you can go for these birth flowers. Let’s learn about what meaning and symbolism they hold.

Marigold – Primary Birth Flower for October

These pom-pom-like flowers fill the atmosphere with fall energy when they bloom. These October birth flowers are known for their cheerful colors and distinctive fragrance. They can be single or double and come in colors like red, orange, and yellow. And you can expect these flowers to grow as tall as 6 ft. Belonging to the Asteraceae family, these flowers are native to America and are grown around the world because of their charm and beauty. Apart from their ornamental use, they also have culinary and medicinal benefits.

Did You Know?

Marigolds are edible and also used as natural food coloring.

Have you ever seen gardens filled with marigolds? Truly they are a sight for sore eyes. What’s amazing about them is the unique meaning and cultural significance they hold.

What is the History of Marigold?

Marigolds have a diverse history spanning over various cultures and traditions. Throughout the centuries, these flowers have been used in medicines, decorations and food. Moreover, the Aztecs acquired prominence in terms of using marigolds for medicinal benefits. Also, they are a major part of different rituals and cultural traditions. For instance, people create vibrant and fragrant floral gifts for their loved ones who passed away.

What is the Meaning of Marigold?

Like other birth flowers, marigolds also represent different meanings. The symbolism varies across cultures. Clearly, these blooms resemble the sun; hence, they are considered a symbol of warmth, positivity, and creativity. Apart from this, they also convey happiness, good luck, love, devotion and loyalty.

Meanings Marigold Convey

With symbolism so diverse, these flowers are perfect for every October celebration. Whether it’s your loved one’s birthday or any other event, you can incorporate these primary October birth flowers in your gifts. After all, it will give them a meaningful touch. Undoubtedly, they set a vibe of warmth and joy in the celebration they become a part of.

Fun Fact About Marigold!

Marigolds are a significant part of the Hindu culture. They are used in several rituals and festivals. Other than this, these flowers are also used as offerings to Hindu gods.

Marigolds make for amazing companion plants to eliminate pests in the garden with their strong fragrance. Therefore, they are always a preferred choice for both gardens and floral arrangements.

Cosmos – Secondary Birth Flowers for October

Radiant and delicate – Cosmos are the true delight of October. Resembling to daisies, these October birth month belong to the Asteraceae family and the Cosmos genus. The best thing about them is how they fill their surroundings with colors and liveliness. Unlike their primary counterpart (marigolds), you can find them in white, yellow, pink, orange and red – and more.

Did you Know?

Cosmos – the name of the flower – is taken from the Greek word for “harmony” or “universe in order”.

Cosmos make for amazing garden plants. After all, they are showy, colorful, long-lasting and really easy to grow. From borders to flower beds and cottage gardens, these blooms adorn spaces in the most perfect way.

What is the History of Cosmos?

Just like marigolds, cosmos also have a rich history spread across different cultures and eras. Besides, their origin goes back to their native regions of Mexico, Central and South America. Spanish explorers are the first ones to discover this beautiful flower while exploring America. They were so spellbound by their beauty that they took this bloom back to their home. This is how the cosmos gained popularity around the world and became a beloved gardening plant.

What Does Cosmos Mean?

Cosmos flowers exude a variety of meanings. Generally, they are considered a symbol of harmony, peace, and balance. Also, their delicate appearance represents serenity and calmness. They are considered a symbol of love and beauty too. Other than this, innocence and modesty are other meanings that these blooms hold. Here’s a comprehensive breakdown of cosmos symbolism:

Meanings Cosmos Convey

You may be wondering: why are cosmos chosen as October birth flowers? Well, it is because of their unmatched attractiveness, vibrancy and diverse symbolism. They are known to add a touch of colors and meaningfulness to your October celebrations. So, if you know someone’s birthday this month, gift them cosmos and make this occasion delightful.

Fun Fact About Cosmos!

The petals of this flower are eatable. You can use them for garnishing food items and also infuse them in teas for a refreshing taste.

What Do October Birth Flowers Tell About Your Personality?

Are you an October baby? Or your loved one? You should know what personality traits these flowers represent. As marigolds symbolize the sun, you can expect October borns to be super brilliant, inspiring, and a bit fiery. Also, these people are very affectionate and generous. Apart from this, cosmos babies are considered calm and balanced people. They are said to be organized – in terms of both leadership and cleanliness. Plus, they have great organizational skills.

Personality Traits & September Birth Flowers

Marigold Cosmos
Brilliant Organized
Inspiring Leader
Flery Calm
Generous Balanced

Elevate Your Occasions with October Birth Flowers!

Just like gemstones, birth month flowers give unique meaning and symbolism to different types of occasions. Add them to your gifts, thoughtful gestures or floral decor to make everything more meaningful and memorable. Not just birthdays, you can incorporate them in all special days. And why just special days? You can make any day unforgettable with october birth flowers.

FAQs About October Birth Flowers

Having two birth flowers gives October babies the freedom of choice to associate themselves with the flower that resonates more with their personalities.

Yes, they do! In many cultures, marigolds symbolize good luck and protection against evil spirits.

Absolutely! In fact, one of the highlights of the cosmos is their fragrance. These flowers have a scent resembling that of chocolate.