February Birth Flower - Violet, Primrose & Iris
While many people assume this month is representative of roses because of Valentine’s Day, February’s birth flowers are violet, primrose and iris. Violets are dainty flowers recognised for their bold purple tones and heart-shaped petals. They are even a popular leading ingredient in love potions and herbal remedies to prevent different illnesses. Violets symbolise faithfulness, spiritual wisdom and loyalty.
All About February Birth Flowers – Violets & Primroses
What are the February birth month flowers? Most people associate February with roses because of Valentine’s Day. However, they are not the official birth flowers for this month. In fact, for people who are born in the second month of the year, there are other flowers representing their personality. Want to know about them? Let’s go! Here we are going to talk about everything about the birth flowers for February.
What are the February Birth Flowers?
Violets and Primroses are the primary and secondary birth flowers for February. Both of these blooms represent different qualities of people born in this month. Let’s find out more about the flowers that hold the magic and charm of February.
Violets – Primary Birth Month Flowers for February

Violets are small, delicate flowers with a sweet scent. As their name suggests, these have a very bright violet color. But this is not the only color you can find in. In fact, they also have blue, yellow, white, and even cream color. Interesting, right? What’s more interesting is that some of the violets are bi-colored too. For instance, blue and yellow.
Did You Know?
Violets are edible and used to make different dishes.
These blooms with heart shaped leaves are native to different areas of Northern Hemisphere. Moreover, did you know that there are over 400 species of violets out there? And violet itself is a genus of the Violaceae family.
The Rich History of Violets
Violets have been grown and loved by the people since the ancient times. The ancient Romans and Greeks used them for medicinal and culinary purposes as well as in festivals. During the Victorian era, these flowers became a symbol of love and affection. Plus, people started featuring them in art, literature and floral arrangements to express emotions.
Did you know that violets are also related to Valentine’s Day. It is said that St. Valentine crushed the violets grown in the jail to make ink. And he used this to write a letter to his beloved one – the jailer’s daughter.
What is the Meaning of Violets?
As mentioned, you can find these February birth flowers in a lot of colors other than violet. Each color represents a different meaning. Their symbolism can also vary based on the context. Moreover, the meaning violets convey has evolved over the years. During the Victorian times, it was considered an ideal gift for the women you admired. Generally, flowers are associated with spiritual wisdom, modesty and humility. But again, these flowers come in different colors and each color exudes a different meaning, such as:
Violet Colors | Meanings the Convey |
Violet | Deep love, purity, devotion |
White | Purity, innocence, humility |
Yellow | Happiness, lightheartedness |
People also take it as a symbol of loyalty, dependability, and thoughtfulness. This means giving someone a bouquet of violets expresses that you care and you’re there for them. They were chosen as the birth flower of February because they perfectly symbolize the loyalty and purity of people born in this month.
Fun Fact About Violets!
These blooms are said to be related to the Greek god of love Aphrodite and the goddess Venus. This is another solid reason why they are associated with love, beauty, and strong connections.
Primroses – Secondary Birth Flower for February
The vibrant colors and delicate appearance of Primroses perfectly represent the essence of February. They are perfectly saying goodbye to the winters and hello to the liveliness of Spring. In fact, they are the first blooming flowers of spring. Moreover, you should know that primrose is a part of the Primula genus, a Latin word meaning first – representing their early blooming time.
Did You Know?
The primula genus contains up to 500 species of plants.
Other than this, these Feb birth flowers are a pure delight to watch because they come in so many bright colors. Yellow, pink, red, blue, and then some, these tubular flowers will fill the space with vibrancy wherever they grow.
The Diverse History of Primroses
Just like its primary counterpart, primroses also have a very rich history. Back in the ancient times, these flowers were grown as ornamental plants. After all, they are simply beautiful. Later on, they also became popular across Europe because of their unparalleled beauty and medicinal benefits. Furthermore, they were specifically considered useful for treating skin conditions and respiratory issues. In Irish folklore, this flower is an excellent cure for toothache.
Apart from this, primroses are also edible for humans. But hey, did you know that they are inedible for your dogs, cats or horses? Anyhow, people started using these flowers in art and literature by the 16th and 17th century. During the Victorian era, primroses meant young love. They were used to convey “I can’t live without you”.
What Does Primrose Mean?
Primroses carry the essence of February and perfectly represent the arrival of spring. With the variety in colors, they showcase that the world is about to be adorned with the colors of a new season – Spring. This is why they also symbolize renewal of life. As they are one of the first ones to bloom after winter, they perfectly represent innocence, youth, hope and new beginnings. Here is a little breakdown on the different meanings these flowers convey:
- Hope
- Youth
- Renewal
- Innocence
Other than this, some cultures primroses are used as a symbol to ward off the evil spirits and bring good luck. You can definitely make your spring celebrations more high-spirited by adding colorful primroses to them. Make them into intricate floral arrangements, and transform the vibe of your space. Or you can even delight your loved ones with delicate primrose bouquets.
Fun Fact About Primroses!
Every year, 19th April is observed as the Primrose Day in England in remembrance of their former Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli.
What Traits are Associated with February Birth Flowers?
People born in February are truly the spring children. And each Feb Birth Month Flower, accurately represent the different personality traits of these people. According to violets, they are sweet, joyful and a little adventurous too. Primroses convey that February babies always stay young at heart, they are optimistic and high-spirited. Plus, they have a real good luck. So, it’s clear that both the secondary and primary Feb birth month flowers perfectly capture the spirit of Feb borns.
After all, carnations are also associated with rebelliousness. This means that the friendly nature and warmth may come with some tantrums. On the other hand, according to snowdrops, people born in January are very hopeful and always look at the brighter side of life. Plus, they are resilient and gracefully handle the lemons life gives them.
February Birth Flowers and Traits They Represent
Violets | Primroses |
Sweet | Optimistic |
Joyful | High-spirited |
Adventurous | Young |
Make Your Celebrations Special with February Birth Month Flowers!
Whether Feb is your birthday month or your loved one’s, you can make the occasion special with Feb birth flowers. After all, the dainty violets and primroses add colors to your mundane day. So, add these flowers to your celebrations and let their magic unfold. You’ll see how they instantly uplift the energy of the space they’re in. Give them as gifts or decorate your place with February birth month flowers and make the occasion cheerful.