July Birth Flower - Larkspur and Waterlily

Larkspur and Waterlily are the July birth month flowers. They are specifically chosen for this month because of their vibrant colors and stunning appearance.

July Birth Flowers – Learn About Larkspur & Water Lily

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What is July’s Birth Flower? And what does it represent? July is also assigned with two beautiful blooms like other months. This variety gives July borns the freedom to choose the flower that resonates with their personality more. Whether it’s the ancient times or the modern era, birth flowers are said to carry different meanings. If you want to know about them, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s dive deeper into their history, symbolism, and significance.

What are July’s Birth Flowers?

Larkspur and waterlily are the July birth month flowers. They are specifically chosen for this month because of their vibrant colors and stunning appearance. After all, it is midsummer time and no other flowers can better represent it than these two. What’s more, birth flowers represent different personalities, preferences, and cultures. Here, we are going to talk about all these aspects in terms of the birth flowers for July.

Larkspur – Primary Birth Flower for July

The tall, bright, showy flowers of Delphinium (Larkspur) are the perfect pick as the birth flowers for this month. They are a member of the buttercup family and can grow up to 2-8 feet (depending on the variety). You can find them in several colors such as blue, pink, purple and white – arranged in elongated groups around the stem. Besides, these flowers come in 400 different varieties.

Did You Know?

Apart from its beauty, Larkspur is poisonous for animals as well as humans if injested.

Their bright colors and dramatic height make them a great choice for floral arrangements, cottage gardens and mixed borders. In other words, you have plenty of ways to incorporate these flowers in your July celebrations.

Larkspur in the History

This July birth month flower – Larkspur – is native to Europe and carries a rich history. According to Greek mythology, these flowers are related to the battle of Troy. It is said that they bloomed where the blood of the hero, Ajax, was spilled during the battle. 

In the Middle Ages, they were used for medicinal purposes. Also, they were considered a symbol of bravery, protection, and knightly virtues. Talking about medicinal use, they were considered a great remedy for several issues including toothache, skin irritation, and eye-related issues. 

The Victorian Era is when Larkspur became a part of the language of flowers. It was the time when different varieties of this bloom were given different meanings. People started using them to express different emotions and messages. Other than this, they also became a widely known ornamental plant. 

What Meaning Does Larkspur Carry?

On the whole, these flowers represent love, dedication, and sincerity. Because of the tall stem, they also symbolize bravery and protection. Plus, their height also conveys a sense of levity and lightness But is this all? Well, no! As aforementioned, different varieties (or say colors) of this July birth flower convey different meanings. So, what does the floral code say? Here is a breakdown of what different colors of larkspur convey:

Color of Larkspur Meaning they convey
Purple First love, romance, superiority
Blue Grace and dignity
White Happiness, joy, light-hearted spirit
Fickleness Gratitude, admiration, sympathy
Pink Fickleness

It is clear by now that these July birth flowers are associated with several meanings. Their symbolism has been greatly affected by different eras and cultures. Anyhow, their presence makes the occasion more meaningful and cherishable.

A Fun Fact About Larkspur!

The flower buds of these flowers resemble the nose of a dolphin. This is why they are called Delphinium. This name’s derived from the Greek word “delphis” meaning dolphin.

Water Lily – Secondary Birth Flower for July

Just like Larkspur, water lilies also perfectly withhold the spirit of July. In fact, they are an apt representation of everything we love about summer. You can see them in lakes and ponds quite often during midsummer. Floating freely on the surface, they look absolutely stunning. Their flowers and leaves usually vary in size: rounded, star-shaped, jagged or smooth.

Did You Know?

Water lilies are aquatic perennial plants and they belong to Nymphaeacea family.

Undoubtedly, these blooms are stunning, and available in colors such as red, white, yellow, and even pink. Not only they are a vital part of the aquatic ecosystem, they are also a source of spiritual symbolism.

Water Lily in the History

These secondary July birth flowers hold significance in different cultures. According to Greek mythology, water lilies are the protectors of water. The ancient Egyptians give credit to these blooms for the creation of gods. They are also used in art, architecture, and religious rituals. 

Other than this, Hinduism and Buddhism relate water lilies to spiritual awakening and purity. The Chinese culture also associates similar meanings with these flowers. Also, you can find these in Chinese art and literature.

What Does Water Lily Mean?

The blooming cycle of the flowers represent rebirth and renewal. Besides, they also symbolize innocence, purity, and emotional growth. These blooms are also a symbol of transformation. However, just like its primary counterpart, different colors of water lily convey different meanings. Here is what they convey:

Color of Water lily Meaning they convey
Purple Power, majesty
Blue Knowledge
White Purity
Pink Joy, friendship
Red Pure love, romance
Yellow Energy, New beginnings

These floating flowers resonate with the July spirit. Their captivating appearance and rich history make celebrations more vibrant, lively and meaningful. Different colors of water lilies in a pond don’t just adorn lakes and ponds but also your special occasions. You can find them in around 70 varieties and each of them is equally beautiful.

A Fun Fact About Water Lily!

Victoria amazonica is the largest water lily species. Its leaves can grow to a diameter of around 10 feet. The most amazing thing is that they are strong enough to support the weight of a small child.

What Do July Birth Flowers Tell About Your Personality?

Birth flowers are like zodiac signs; they explain a lot about your personality. Each of these are linked to different traits. For instance, larkspur represents the unexpected yet positive nature of people. Plus, they are also associated with the loving nature of July borns. On the other hand we have water lilies. These flowers say that July people are strong – both physically and spiritually. They are honest, pure and determined.

Personality Traits & July Birth Flowers

Larkspur Water Lily
Spontaneous Pure
Loving Strong
Positive Spiritual

Add a Floral Touch to Your July Celebrations!

If you are a July baby or your loved one is, incorporating July birth flowers into your celebrations is the best decision ever. Why so? Because they make everything more beautiful and valuable. And why just birthdays? You can add a floral touch to all your events. Whether its your wedding anniversary, a new business venture or a graduation party, larkspur and water lily are the right choice for your gifts and decor.